If death occurs at home
Contact your doctor (or the doctor on call) who will come to your home to certify the death and will issue a Notification of death, which in time must be taken to the registrars. Once the doctor has attended, most families prefer for their loved one to be conveyed to our chapel of rest as soon as possible. This can be arranged by telephoning us on the above phone numbers at any time of the day or night.
At a Nursing or Residential Home
The above procedure is likely to have taken place with your permission by the senior in charge, Warden or Matron, who will be able to advise you of the whereabouts of the Notification of Death.
When the death occurs in hospital
When death happens in hospital the procedure is very similar. Apply to the hospital for the Medical Certificate of Death and not your family doctor.
The Coroner
In cases where the death has been reported to the Coroner the procedure is somewhat different. The Coroner and his officers are working in your interest. No doctor will issue the Medical Certificate of Death. This will be sent by the Coroner to the Registrar’s Office in the district where the death occurred, after contact has been made to the Coroner’s office.
Redditch Office
494 Evesham Road,
B97 5JF
01527 547777
Bromsgrove Office
66 Birmingham Road,
B61 0DD
01527 831700
Wythall Office
100 Alcester Road,
B47 5HA
01564 822001
Alvechurch Office
12A Red Lion Street,
B48 7LF
0121 4453422
Alcester Office
Birmingham Road,
B49 5QF01789 330939