
Funeral Disbursements

Disbursements are essentially fees that we pay out on behalf of the family, i.e. Doctors Fees where appropriate, Crematorium/Cemetery fees and Parochial fees etc. Our written estimate will detail the approximate cost of any disbursements. You will appreciate that we will have no direct control over these charges, and they could therefore, be subject to slight variations. These costs can then be settled by one single payment rather than by many different bills to be settled by the estate.

Doctors Fee or Cremation Forms

No one can be cremated until the cause of the death is ascertained. There are two cremation certificates (forms 4 & 5). Each must be signed by a different doctor. These certificates must be paid for and listed under the disbursements on our estimate and account. The cremation certificates are not required when the death is referred to the coroner.

Help with the funeral costs

The following information should be treated as a general guidance.

Who is entitled to help?

You may receive help if there is not enough money to pay for the funeral and you are responsible for making the funeral arrangements if you or your partner are receiving state benefits.

Check what amount of money is available from:

The estate of the person who has died, such as money from bank or building society accounts.

Any insurance policies or charities, lump sum payments made by a pension scheme or relatives, (either yours or those of the person who has died).

Any savings you have in a bank or building society, National Savings (including certificates or premium bonds) or cash in the home.

The savings may be in your name or the name of your partner. The widow’s payment does not count as savings.

The social fund may make a contribution towards the cost of a simple funeral within the United Kingdom. This includes:-

  1. Bringing the body home if the person died away from home but within the UK
  2. The Death Certificate
  3. A standard coffin
  4. The Hearse for the coffin and bearers
  5. Flowers from the person who arranged the funeral
  6. Contribution towards the fees of funeral director
  7. Chaplain and organist fee for simple funeral
  8. Cemetery fee or Crematorium fee
  9. Doctor’s fees

Redditch Office
494 Evesham Road,
B97 5JF
01527 547777

Bromsgrove Office
66 Birmingham Road,
B61 0DD
01527 831700

Wythall Office
100 Alcester Road,
B47 5HA
01564 822001

Alvechurch Office
12A Red Lion Street,
B48 7LF
0121 4453422

Alcester Office
Birmingham Road,
B49 5QF

01789 330939