Five Ways To Cope With Loneliness After Loss
Grief is one of the hardest emotional hardships that almost everybody in the world has to deal with at one point or another in their lives. Loneliness is one of the most common post-bereavement issues that people deal with, but losing your loved one doesn’t have to equally eternal loneliness. Thomas Brothers have some top tips for coping with loneliness after loss…
Grieve in your own way and in your own time…
There is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of a loved one and taking your own time to grieve at your own pace is absolutely essential. The worst thing you can do is put pressure on yourself to feel or act a certain way for yourself or for other people. You are entitled to express your emotions accordingly, and people won’t judge you for that.
Be aware of how grief is affecting you physically…
Being aware of the physical symptoms of grief will allow you to properly take care of yourself, consequently allowing you to have a clearer mind when you respond correctly to your body.
Exhaustion, loss of appetite, panic attacks, aching and comfort eating are all very common physical symptoms of grief, and addressing them will help you in the long run.
Know that there is support out there…
There are hundreds of support groups and therapists who specialise in bereavement all over the country, so there really is no excuse not to confront the trouble you’re having with coping with your loss.
These support networks can be especially helpful if you’re finding it difficult to reach out to friends and family at this time. Those attending the support groups will also be like minded and seeking a similar solace which can be comforting and combating loneliness.
Talk, talk and talk some more…
Talking is one of the biggest and best releases you can get from confronting your problems dealing with a loss and escaping loneliness. Talking is a form of therapy and allows you to open up so that people can have an element of understanding of what you’re going through.
Always remember the person you lost…
Steering clear of loneliness can be hard, especially if your loss was somebody you spent a lot of time with, maybe even lived with! With that said, the cure to loneliness and overcoming your grief is not about forgetting how you feel about that person, it’s about being able to deal with your emotions towards your loss in a healthy way.
Remembering and reminiscing about the person you have lost can be really therapeutic and offers an opportunity to look back on the reasons they were in your life and the memories you made with them, which will trigger happy times.
If you’re feeling lonely after a loss there is so much out there now to help you overcome these negative emotions. Whether you want to anonymously find your way back to a good place or more open to seeking solace in other people, there are ways to get through it and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.